Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The world has been manufacturing plastics since the 1930's. We have inciderated less than 5% of these. All the rest are still somewhere on the planet.

Oxo-biodegradable plastic technology is solving this problem by changing the nature of the plastic we use, before we use it, by creating totally degradable plastic that turns into water, a small amount of carbon dioxide and biomass. This technology is environmentally responsible and does not leave an unwelcome legacy for future generations.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Totally Degradable

Totally Degradable : it DOES also reduce. We have always subscribed to the principle of minimilization as is now enshrined in the Packaging (Essential Requirements) Legislation. By using advanced film extrusion technology it is commonplace to create thin but very strong plastic films that utilize the minimum amount of plastic raw material.

Totally Degradable: it IS also re-usable. Re-use occurs, for example, when a carrier bag is used as a bin liner. During their useful life products made using this plastic technology can be re-used exactly as traditional plastics. Even when re-used, traditional plastics are eventually discarded - more often than not well within the life of our degradable products. Our plastics will then goon to degrade whereas the traditional plastics will remain clogging up the environment.

Totally Degradable: it IS also recyclable. Degradable plastics find their way into a post consumer waste recycling stream, the degradation process is effectively arrested and the plastics then behave exactly as other non-degradable plastics. Fresh additive would then allow it to continue to degrade if this was the desired outcome.

To regard plastics as a relatively young material which requires, and is capable of, an equally adaptable performance would be summarize our totally degradable solution.

Degradable plastics are consistent with the 're-use, recycle, reduce' model and are environmentally desirable. Plastic is made from the oil fraction that we can't put in our cars after oil is refined. If we did not use it, it would have to be burnt off and totally wasted (as it used to be), adding to global warming and pollution. Given that this 'by-product' is continously produced it is common sense to put it to good use.

The plastics consumers use everyday of the week such as bin liners, food packaging and carrier bags, will mostly end up in landfill. To keep using non-degradable plastics is to ignore the fact that no matter how many times they are used, they do not go away.

What is the most responsible environmental solution?

Although to a large extent the "re-use, recycle, reduce model of the 1970's has now been overtaken by innovative technologies such as the oxo-biodegradable technology that is totally re-usable, recyclable and can reduce.

How does it work?

The additive lowers the molecular weight, causing the plastic to degrade, then biodegrade. Stabilizers control the service life. For example, a refuse sack might need an 18-month life before beginning to lose its strength but a bread-bag might only require a few months.

Significantly, oxo-biodegradable plastics do not need a highly-microbial environment to degrade - this will happen even if the plastic is left in the open air or in the sea. For this reason in particular, 'oxo-bio' plastic is preferable to 'hydro-degradable' e.g. starch-based plastic, which requires an active bio-environment before degradation will work.

Check out the Video below:

Friday, December 3, 2010

What are the options for dealing with plastic waste? Utilize Oxo-biodegradable Plastic.

! DO YOU KNOW? There is a huge amount of plastic waste floating in the Ocean.Because Plastic get blown around and find their way into the sea via drains and sewage pipes. SOLUTION: 100% Oxo-biodegradable & Eco-friendly Plastics!

What is the difference between Degradable, Biodegradable and Oxo-biodegradable plastic?

Degradable Plastic: A plastic designed to undergo a significant change in its chemical structure under specific environmental conditions. This change results in a classification determined by the loss of some properties that may vary as measured by standard test methods appropriate to the plastic and the application in a period of time.
Biodegradable Plastic: A degradable plastic in which the degradation results from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae.
Oxo-biodegradable Plastic: A two-stage process in which plastic is first converted by reaction with oxygen to molecular fragments that are water wettable. Second, these smaller oxidized molecules are biodegraded and converted into carbon dioxide, water and biomass, by microorganisms. There are 2 main types of biodegradable plastics: oxo-biodegradable and hydro-biodegradable. Both will first undergo chemical degradation by oxidation and hydrolysis for oxo- and hydro-biodegradable plastics respectively. This results in their physical disintegration and a drastic reduction in their molecular weights. These smaller, lower molecular weight fragments are then amenable to biodegradation by microbes.

Hydro-biodegradable plastics tend to degrade and biodegrade somewhat faster than oxo-biodegradables but the end result is the same – both plastics are converted to carbon dioxide, water and biomass. Oxo-biodegradable plastics are generally less expensive, possess better physical properties and are easier to process on current plastic processing equipment than hydro-biodegradable plastics.

100% Oxo-biodegradable Plastic Technology: http://www.pustanan.com