Monday, November 22, 2010


Plastic is a fundamental part of our busy lives. Not many people know that plastic is made from a by-product of oil which used to be wasted and that it makes good environmental sense to use it. Ordinary plastics can be re-used and recycled -- however if they get into the environment they can last for many decades. The solution is add addivitive when the plastic product is being manufactured - making it "oxo-biodegradable" or "oxo-bio" for short.

Oxo-bio plastic will degrade, then biodegrade, to water, biomass and trace elements, on land or sea, in the light or dark, in heat or cold, in whatever timescale is required. It leaves NO fragments NO methane and NO harmful resources. There is little or no extra cost and during its service-life strength and other qualities are the same as ordinary plastic.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Environment Quote

“...(T)here is increasing fear that rising jellyfish numbers are a sign that the world’s oceans are undergoing a fundamental ecological shift...Some researchers even hypothesize that we’re edging dangerously close to a major tipping point—a transition from highly evolved food webs, topped by large predatory fish and sea mammals, to more primitive ecosystems in which the dominant predators are jellyfish, the creatures thought to have ruled the seas some 500 million years ago.” —Garry Hamilton, Super Species: The Creatures That Will Dominate the Planet (Firefly Books).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Totally Degradable


The world has been manufacturing plastics since the 1930's. We have inciderated less than 5% of these. All the rest are still somewhere on the planet.

Oxo-biodegradable plastic technology is solving this problem by changing the nature of the plastic we use, before we use it, by creating totally degradable plastic that turns into water, a small amount of carbon dioxide and biomass. This technology is environmentally responsible and does not leave an unwelcome legacy for future generations.

Totally Degradable : it DOES also reduce. We have always subscribed to the principle of minimilization as is now enshrined in the Packaging (Essential Requirements) Legislation. By using advanced film extrusion technology it is commonplace to create thin but very strong plastic films that utilize the minimum amount of plastic raw material.

Totally Degradable: it IS also re-usable. Re-use occurs, for example, when a carrier bag is used as a bin liner. During their useful life products made using this plastic technology can be re-used exactly as traditional plastics. Even when re-used, traditional plastics are eventually discarded - more often than not well within the life of our degradable products. Our plastics will then goon to degrade whereas the traditional plastics will remain clogging up the environment.

Totally Degradable: it IS also recyclable. Degradable plastics find their way into a post consumer waste recycling stream, the degradation process is effectively arrested and the plastics then behave exactly as other non-degradable plastics. Fresh additive would then allow it to continue to degrade if this was the desired outcome.

Oxo-Biodegradable Bags Now in the Philippines!

Pustanan Printer is now Going Green by manufacturing plastics and bags that are environmentally safe, human safe, animal-safe, plant-safe, and ecology safe. The company believes the importance in being eco-conscious to make the earth we live on better & safe for future generations.