Monday, November 22, 2010


Plastic is a fundamental part of our busy lives. Not many people know that plastic is made from a by-product of oil which used to be wasted and that it makes good environmental sense to use it. Ordinary plastics can be re-used and recycled -- however if they get into the environment they can last for many decades. The solution is add addivitive when the plastic product is being manufactured - making it "oxo-biodegradable" or "oxo-bio" for short.

Oxo-bio plastic will degrade, then biodegrade, to water, biomass and trace elements, on land or sea, in the light or dark, in heat or cold, in whatever timescale is required. It leaves NO fragments NO methane and NO harmful resources. There is little or no extra cost and during its service-life strength and other qualities are the same as ordinary plastic.

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